Wills and Legacies
For people who may find it difficult to make significant gifts to charities such as “The Friends of Luton Parish Church” during their lifetime, making this Charity a beneficiary in your Will is a way of ensuring that money which you no longer need is put to good use and, at the same time, you may reduce your estate’s liability to Inheritance Tax.
Some seven out of ten adults who die in this country fail to make a Will, and if you do not make a Will, then your estate will be divided up according to how the law dictates it should, and not necessarily as you would have wished.
It is always advisable to instruct a Solicitor to make sure your Will is properly drawn up, valid and enforceable, and to ensure that your Will reflects your wishes.
If you already have a Will, it is possible to include a legacy to The Friends in your Will by having a codicil drawn up, and this is a simple and inexpensive process.
If you would like to leave a legacy to The Friends of Luton Parish Church, your Solicitor might find the following wording useful:
“I give to the Friends of Luton Parish Church (registered Charity Number 240750) the sum of ….. pounds (£…..) for its general purposes”
25% off setting up your will with Machins Solicitors
Nicki Denton-Masih at Machins Solicitors, Dunstable, would be delighted to help set up your will with a 25% discount. Email nicki.denton-masih@machins.co.uk

To join Friends of Luton Parish Church, download our leaflet, fill in the form and return it to us.